Meeting Called to Order by Amy Heaven 4:00 PM in Zoom format.
Present: Amy Heaven, Mike Rankin, Sandy Adams, Ryan Mueller, Melinda Broward, Greta Jahrus, Blake Larson, Leslie Hind
Absent: Clifton Bencke
Infrasturcture: Presented by Tim Orrick. Tim presented several options for ways to move forward on the lake’s infrastructure. He has agreed to present these to the larger resident’s meeting in October.
Treasury: Presented by Leslie Hind. Total in bank = $18,216, total in paypal = $435.90. Kayak run cost: $372.03, Kayak run income: $91 from raffle, October raffle made $105, $30 donations, $335 for clothing.
Previous Meeting’s Minutes: Presented by Ryan Mueller. Mike Rankin moved to approved, Leslie seconded. Unanimous approval.
Special Events:
Kayak Run: Hugely successful event with 40 participants including pro athletes, out of state competitors, a dog, and 2 princesses. There were generous donations from companies like Blazers, Fronteras, and Tumbleweed totaling over $300.
Chili cookoff: Coming right up on October 1st. Tons of planning going into this delicious event.
Christmas Light Contest: Decision made to facilitate a contest this winter. More to come.
Old Business:
-Getting low on some of our clothing supplies, and a new design is incoming. The group decided to have a sale on t-shirts soon.
New Business:
-Resident’s meeting October 8th. The group is preparing for this event.
-Amy is preparing some suggested updates to the GLA by-laws, to be distributed to residents prior to the meeting.
-Algae is building up to the point the spraying company has requested to spray it to keep it under control before fall. No sprayings have happened yet this year. The city so far has not approved this request.
Adjournment: Sandy moved to adjourn, Leslie seconded the motion which passed unanimously.