The meeting was called to order at 7:00 PM at the home of Larry Desmarteau. Those present were: Leslie Hind, Chuck Lawrence, Shawnna Steele, Blake Larson, Sandy Adams, Miranda Burnett, Larry Desmarteau and Amy Heaven. Absent: Malinda Broward.
Leslie delivered the treasurer’s report. Our balance is $16,000 +/-. We have collected $700.00 from the calendar advertisers. Last year we had 19 advertisers at $100.00 each. We collected $395.00 in the Kayak Run raffle for a net event expense of -$50.00. This does not consider 25 tee shirts being sold for a total of $375.00. Shawnna added that we have now made $650.57 on tee shirts. We have 70 tee shirts left. There was discussions on how to more effectively order them in the future.
Amy discussed upcoming events and it was decided that we would cancel the Christmas Lighting Contest. In discussions on the upcoming Chili Cook Off, Miranda suggested that we make it just a pot luck and not a contest. It was decided that the event is too close and there has been too much promotion to date to change directions at this time. Sandy agreed to head up the publicity efforts. We will e-blast a flyer with information, use Facebook and outdoor signage. Larry agreed to take charge of the grounds and facilities and provide chairs and tables and for the event. We discussed the need to hire an off-duty Gardner police officer and voted to pass the $200 expense. In addition, it was agreed that we rent a dumpster to handle the trash. Dave Young has agreed to take care of the electrical needs of event including providing generators for the crockpots. Miranda suggested that Malinda Broward could handle the food needs with her help. Having paid entertainment was discussed and it was decided to eliminate the additional expense. Amy agreed to manage the contest details and we agreed that the token method of voting would work for the winner determination. Leslie agreed to manage the finances. $355.00 has been approved for expenses and it was agreed that we will charge $3.00 a head, or $10.00 a family. There will be no registration fee for the contestants.
The directory was discussed and it was agreed that we would help collect updated information. Residents do not need to provide phone numbers if they preferred not.
Blake discussed the new lake website and advertising. Blake will present the new information at the upcoming residence meeting. Blake is looking for additional Facebook administrators. With the two Gardner Lake Facebook pages, it was discussed that one be limited to residents and that the rules be posted. He reviewed the friend requests on Facebook.
Larry discussed the agenda for the upcoming residents meeting and adjourned the meeting at 8:00 pm.
-Submitted by Amy Heaven